Monday, December 14, 2009


When you next ask someone how they are and their response is "FINE", remember this stands for:

F reaked out
I nsecure
N eurotic, &
E motional

and tread carefully!


An estimated 40,000 (1 in 600) Australians have Meniere’s, which is a condition in which excess fluid inm the inner ear upsets the ear’s balance and hearing mechanisms.

Symptoms include:
 Vertigo – dizziness with associated loss of balance, nausea, vomiting and diarrohea;
 Tinnitus – a distressing ringing, hissing or buzzing sound in the ear/s or head;
 Ear Pressure – a feeling of “fullness” in the ear associated with a build up of fluid in the inner ear;
 Muffled Hearing – a lost of low frequency hearing in one or both ears, making speech difficult to understand. At first hearing loss tends to fluctuate but eventually will affect all frequencies.

1. Intermittent vertigo, often accompanied with severe vomiting. After an attach the ear returns to normal, making diagnosis difficult. Muffled hearing and tinnitus can also be experienced;
2. Vertigo continues, often preceded and accompanied by pressure in the ear/s. Episodes can last from hours up to days and tend to occur in clusters. Hearing fluctuates but doesn’t return to normal. Tinnitus increases and may become chronic;
3. There are fewer, less severe vertigo attacks. Balance is impaired resulting in some unsteadiness. Hearing loss can be severe. Tinnitus continues.

Although there is currently no cure for Meniere’s, some conservative treatments include:
a) Changes to diet – a low-salt diet (low in sodium) is recommended to reduce vertigo symptoms. Low sodium equates to less than 120mg per 100gr of food. Eat fresh foods and avoid processed foods. Reducing caffeine and alcohol intake may also help;
b) Stress can trigger attacks. Lifestyle changes to minimise stress is a key strategy;
c) Balance therapy – doing specially designed physical exercises can help retrain the body to balance effectively;
d) Have regular chiropractic sessions to ensure joints in your skull (yes, there are a few) are correctly aligned. Acupuncture and massage can also help.
e) If the above doesn’t assist, have your GP refer you to a Neurologist specialising in Hearing & Balance for detailed testing.

For more information visit: &

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cutting Cholesterol Naturally

When most people think of cholesterol, they think of the waxy fat-like substance that is found in many of the foods we eat that ends up “clogging up arteries”. Often feared, the truth is that cholesterol is needed by the body for a number of different things. For example it is used in the manufacture and maintenance of strong cell walls, it is critical for hormone and vitamin D production, it even is used to coat the nerve cells in the body. Cholesterol comprises about 25% of the brain's total mass.

In fact, our bodies produce cholesterol all by itself, all the cholesterol we need to live a healthy, happy life. Cholesterol is produced primarily by the liver, but small amounts of it are also manufactured by the cells in our bodies. This production of cholesterol by our bodies is the reason why some individuals, who consume a low cholesterol diet, still experience high cholesterol levels.
Cholesterol is found in meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products.

While elevated cholesterol levels present no signs or symptoms on their own, elevated levels have been identified as a significant risk factor in health concerns such as arteriosclerosis and heart disease. Clinically, doctors recommend that blood cholesterol levels (the amount of cholesterol circulating in our blood) be no greater than 200mg/dl, with a total level of 180mg/dl being optimal.
Our total cholesterol is broken down into three separate components: HDL (high density lipoproteins), LDL (low density lipoproteins) and VLDL (very low density lipoproteins). Our HDL cholesterol is known as the "good" cholesterol. It functions to remove cholesterol from the blood and blood vessel walls, where it returns it to the liver for elimination. Our LDL and VLDL cholesterol are considered to be harmful to the body, because it carries cholesterol into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, it can be deposited on the artery walls, which promotes arteriosclerosis.

Doctors are now beginning to recognise a relationship between our HDL and LDL cholesterol and many feel that this ratio may be a better indicator of our health risk than our total cholesterol numbers. The goal is to keep the ratio below 5:1; the optimum ratio is 3.5:1. Regardless of your heart risk ratio, however, individuals who have a total cholesterol level of over 275mg/dl are still considered at risk for heart disease, despite high HDL levels.

Yes, there are plenty of cholesterol lowering drugs available on the market, but when Dr. Orli Etingin, Vice Chairman of Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital, commenting on Lipitor at a recent discussion on women and the brain, says “This drug makes women stupid”, you’d want to pay attention and look at “natural” options first.

A qualified naturopath and nutritionist can help you with your unique requirements, however, some general actions you can take include:

* Incorporate a regular exercise program into your daily routine. In addition to increasing your HDL cholesterol, thus improving your heart risk ratio, exercise helps strengthen your heart muscle, reduce your blood pressure and helps you take off a couple of kilos.

* Try a vegetarian diet. Historically, individuals who consumed a purely vegetarian diet had lower cholesterol levels.

* Reduce or eliminate foods that contain high saturated fats such as beef, pork, cheese, butter and ice cream. If eating chicken, remove the skin to additionally reduce your fat intake.

* Use olive oil instead of butter. Olive oil can help to reduce LDL cholesterol from the body. Also Guggul lipid is an herb native to India and has been used for a long time in Ayuvedic medicine to help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

* Eating a diet high in fatty acids such as those found in fish, or supplementing with Omega 3 oil has been shown to increase HDL cholesterol and protect the heart against heart disease.

* Fibre, fibre, fibre! Eating high fibre foods such as beans, whole grains, fruits and vegetables have been shown to lower cholesterol levels. You can also supplement with other forms of soluble fibre such as psyllium, apples and oat bran.
Green tea has also been show to lower total cholesterol levels by decreasing LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL.

* Lecithin enables fats, such as cholesterol, to be dispersed in water and removed from the body. This can help to prevent fatty buildup in the arteries
Vitamin C and vitamin E appear to protect LDL cholesterol from damage. Most cardiologists believe that only damaged LDL increases the risk of heart disease.

Amended article from
Author: Dr. Rita Louise, PhD & Naturopathic Physician
© Copyright Body, Mind & SoulHealer 2004.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Minimise Neck and Shoulder Pain without doing a thing!

Our bodies are good at doing what is tasked but loves external support to ease the load. These supports can keep the body from doing tasks that would negatively affect functionality. One simple aid is the use of a contour pillow, which provides a great support to the neck and shoulders during sleep.

Contour pillows are rounded on both sides, hence the word "contour." The rounded areas support your neck whether you sleep on your side or back (sleeping on your stomach and ‘corkscrewing’ your neck is a no-no!). By supporting your neck and removing pressure from the head and shoulders, contoured pillows help give you correct orthopaedic support and alignment, leading to a comfortable and truly rejuvenating sleep and reducing pains throughout the body.

Each person differs in terms of shape and size: Some of us have long necks, some short ones. Shoulder depth, neck shape and curve also vary. To meet these variables contour pillows come in low, medium and high profiles. As a guide:
• Low: Designed to support children from 5 years and adult back sleepers;
• Medium: Suits average physiques and those seeking a 'normal' sized pillow;
• High: Suits side sleeping, broader shouldered physiques.

Latex contour pillows are also a healthy option because bacteria and mildew can't live in the foam.