Thursday, December 13, 2007


People often ask me, "is there a natural hangover cure?"

Of course, the only cure is to avoid drinking altogether, but there are ways to minimise the hangover and the harmful effects of alcohol on our bodies.

WHY DO WE GET HANGOVERS? There are three main causes:

1) Alcohol is broken down in the liver into acetaldehyde, which is broken down further and excreted. Normally it is broken down quite rapidly, but if it accumulates in the body, intense feelings of nausea and illness will result.

2) Dehydration: Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes us to wee prolifically. Water is absorbed from the body, changing fluid balance, which partly explains the dreaded hangover headache and excessive thirst.

3) The third cause of hangover is a group of chemicals called congeners.
Congeners are toxic substances formed in the alcohol factory during the fermentation process. Congeners give some colour and flavour to the alcohol, but mostly they are bad news. In general, the darker the colour and the less expensive the alcohol, the more congeners there will be.

Although it's hard to predict which night will be big, the following tips will help with any amount of alcohol. They are not hard to do and it's nice to be able to enjoy the day after.

Alcohol is quickly absorbed in your stomach, so it pays to have a meal before drinking. Heavier food, such as a protein or creamy meal, will slow absorption of alcohol. Taking 1 teaspoon or 3-4 capsules of slippery elm powder is a good way of 'coating' the inside of your stomach.

Before you go out, take a good multi-vitamin containing high doses of B vitamins. You should also take an extra zinc tablet and 300mg of magnesium. This will ensure you are not depleted and help reduce the symptoms of hangover.

Try to match each drink with a glass of water to avoid dehydration. Carry a bottle of water with you if possible.

Avoid fizzy or sweet alcoholic drinks. The fizz increases the rate of alcohol absorption and the sweetness hides the alcohol taste so you are more likely to drink more than normal.

Aim for low-congener alcohol eg; vodka, gin, and white rum are better than dark rum, Scotch and brandy. Also, white wine rather than red.

If you are a regular drinker, have two or more alcohol-free days a week—allow your body to detoxify, replenish and repair !

Vomit if you have to! Your stomach doesn't lie. Vomiting is your body's sign that you have consumed something poisonous. Don't try to stop nature's reminder, just make sure you replace lost fluids with water ... not more alcohol!

If you have partied hard, as soon as you get home (no matter what time) drink two glasses of water and one glass of sports drink. This will you help re-hydrate and top up your electrolyte levels.

With water and sports drink, take one tablet of St. Mary's Thistle

THE NEXT DAYKeep drinking ... water, water and more water! Have another sports drink also to replace electrolytes, especially if you have any cramping.

Take your multi-vitamin as well as 300mg of magnesium, a zinc tablet and another St. Mary's Thistle tablet.

Flat ginger ale or ginger tea will help if you feel nauseous.

A cold shower or gentle swim will help, but keep out of the hot sun.

Hair of the dog is not recommended as this only prolongs your symptoms and postpones the inevitable.

Eat whatever and whenever you can, whether it's a fruit salad, banana smoothie or a big fry up.

Lastly, go for a massage. This helps alleviate headaches and speeds up the clearance of alcohol. Remember to let your therapist know if you are feeling unwell.

and, of course, give your body so rest from the chemical onslaught. Aim for 4 alcohol-free days per week and don't binge.


About the author Carl Gagnon:
As well as practicing at Nature Care Wholistic and Medical Centre, Carl works as a Naturopathic Advisor with Blackmores, teaches general health and nutrition to youth in trouble and is an accredited instructor with the International Taoist Tai Chi Society. Carl is passionate about helping others improve their health in every sense.

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