Monday, September 22, 2008

2 signposts on the journey toward peace

By virtue of our humanity, we are all seekers, we are each on a journey to find serenity and that elusive state of "happiness."

As my "happiness" may be very different from someone elses. Perhaps the better term is that of serenity,by which I mean a comforting envelope of peace and tranquility while we are buffered by chaos and confusion.

The two major signposts, as I see them are both unique and important and each can be articulated as:

1) The gift, the courage, the presence to say "no."
We are all busy, we all have relentless demands on our time and energies and if we say "yes" to everything, at the end of the day our tank is dry and there is nothing left.

2) The notion of self care.
I cannot ever remember through decades of formal education anyone ever telling me to take care of myself. I do not remember anyone advising me to throttle back my plans and my ambition.
The mantra of today's culture is the relentless acquisition of trinkets and widgets, the relentless to-do list, and the relentless emptiness as we frantically seek that butterfly of happiness.

So here's a reminder: enjoy the journey, embrace the trip and don't be too concerned about the final destination.

Resource: By Edward T. Creagan, M.D. at

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