Friday, May 1, 2009

It's the flu .... it's the flu

DON'T PANIC - let's look at this rationally.
How many billions of people are there in the world? I know there's 20 millioin in Mexico City and between 7-180 cases of H1N1 Influenza A (aka Swine Flu) - do the math folks.

Ok, in the southern hemisphere flu season is upon us and it's best to take precautions (regardless of the strain of flu about), so as these types of infections are spread by human-to-human or human-to-hard surface contact, we should all try to reduce the risk of getting sick or infecting others.

* Cover your mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze (or wear a face mask).
* Throw away any used tissues into a garbage bin
* wash hands thoroughly and regularly, especially before you touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
* Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick.
* If you’re sick, stay at home and avoid close contact with young children and the elderly.
* eat healthy, fresh fruit and vege to support keep your body "fighting fit"
* if you are immuno-suppressed or work in public health get your flu vaccine soon

Are you looking for a safe healthy alternative for flu immunity?
Rather than hording the pharmaceutical treatments (Tamiflu etc) try the homeopathic option and get 'Flu Immunity' drops: either to support your system against the bugs or help recover from it.

Susceptibility to infections depends upon the status of the immune system. The goal of the treatment with homoeopathic preparations is to activate and support the endogenous defense mechanisms, ie to strengthen the body’s defense against infection.

Biotherapeutic treatments stimulate the body’s own immune system affecting the actual causes of the illness. This is done as a regulation therapy of the defence activity not as a suppression therapy = much kinder to your body.

Stay well!

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