Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Embarrassing, yes, but most of us have suffered from constipation at one time or another. While constipation is not recognised as a serious disorder, people who are constipated often feel bloated, uncomfortable and even sluggish. Chronic constipation can also be compounded by hemorrhoids that form due to straining.

To understand constipation, it is important to understand how our digestive system works: When we eat, food is ground up in our mouth and stomach so it can be digested. This liquified food passes into the intestines where nutrients are extracted. It then moves on to the colon, where water is removed, allowing the stool to form. If there isn’t enough water at this extraction point the stool can become hard and difficult to pass, leaving you constipated.

There are a number of reasons why people get constipated. These most commonly include not eating enough dietary fibre, not drinking enough water, lack of exercise and plain old stress. Other causes can include ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement, food allergies that can cause the colon to contract, many prescription drugs (especially codeine) and certain neurological disorders. Constipation can also be brought on by an abuse of laxatives that over time can damage the nerve cells in the colon and interfere with its ability to work properly.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to relieve constipation naturally.
* Drink plenty of water: especially if you are taking supplemental fibre, pharmaceutical drugs or large amounts of protein (protein takes more water to digest).

* Dietary fibre holds water and help to keep the stool soft, while adds bulk help to move the stool through the colon, so consume a diet including significant amounts of both soluable and unsoluable fibre eg of lots of vegetables, whole grains, psyllium and fruits etc.

* Try eating a few prunes or drinking some prune juice. In addition to adding fibre, prunes have a mild laxative effect.

* Avoid sugar and other processed foods.

* Allergies can also be the cause of your constipation, so at your next Kinesthetic Chiropractic session be checked out for underlying issues or talk to your Naturopath & Nutritionist about an elimination diet.

* An abdominal massage or Chiropractic treatment can include colon stimulation, which may help.

* Begin a regular exercise program to help promote normal bowel movements: meditate, do yoga, go for a walk. Do things that will allow you to reduce your stress levels and relax as digestion works better when you’re relaxed.

* Take a good probiotic to help promote a healthy environment within the gut.

* Peppermint has a long history of helping relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Enjoy an uplifting cup of Peppermint herbal tea after meals.

Edited by Joanne Terrans 11/2009
Initial resource from Dr R Louise, PhD. Naturopathic Physician & Author at www.soulhealer.com

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