Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Creating Money Out of Thin Air

Suffering post-Christmas empty-pocket syndrome ... or, like me, you always seem to be scrabbling for more? Well read on - maybe this advice from Wayne Dyer can be our new year resolution:

As my friend Ida says, "Money is Easy." Creating more income or abundance in our lives is that simple, but most of us try to make it harder or more complicated than it is.

The hardest thing about our relationship with money is giving up our idea of what that income is or where it will come from. We must focus on what it CAN BE. For example, most people would argue that they are on a fixed income and there is only so much money they receive each month. Others say their monthly paycheck is XYZ dollars and they don't want to get a second job.

In the first example above, the person has defined the boundaries of their income and they do not allow the space for other income to flow. In the second example the person has defined a limited channel of how and where the money is to appear. To create more money out of thin air we must be willing to let go of our limited thinking, remove the boundaries around our abundance and stop outlining how it is to appear in our life.

You'll notice that I am interchanging the word money, income and abundance. The first step of creating money is recognizing that money is abundance. I know you can create more abundance in your life. Sometimes that abundance appears as money that you can spend. Sometimes abundance is someone taking you to lunch or getting an unexpected rebate or discount on a purchase you made.

The following rules will help you expand your thinking and break down any boundaries that you have about money or abundance.


Money is energy. It follows the Laws of Nature and like the tides of the ocean it has a natural rhythm of flowing in and out. When we allow money to flow to us and not restrict or define how it is to come to us then we become the masters of abundance. We restrict the flow of abundance when we do not allow someone to take us out to lunch "Oh no, you shouldn't pay for lunch." We restrict the flow of abundance when we don't pick-up the penny that we find on the street. You ask the Universe for more abundance and it is given to you at your feet but it is beneath you to pick-up change that you find lying on the ground. [Note: When I started to pick-up money on the street the denomination and amount increased!] Or we restrict the flow of abundance with limited thinking. Every time you say I only earn XYZ dollars you are defining a boundary and limiting more abundance to flow.


Money is impersonal. Money is not good or evil. It has no values or beliefs except what we put on it. Money does NOT care who you are or what your background is or what your past family history was. This follows Rule#1 because money is energy and only that. It can be used for any purpose that we want. Money can be used to help people and it can be used to harm people. But how we use it or what we think about money does not change the nature of money, which is energy.


Money is unlimited. When we understand Rules One and Two, then money or abundance can freely flow to us as much as we will allow it. For example, in this past year there have been several natural disasters where thousands of people have lost their homes and needed help to rebuild their lives. People rallied together to help those displaced and said we need XYZ dollars. Within hours, millions of dollars poured in from all sources. Imagine and KNOW that you too can do the same. Create the need, open the energy and let the Universe provide all the good into your life.


I know you can create more abundance in your life because your Being is Energy and Money is Energy. The first step is developing a relationship with money. Each night before you go to bed write in your journal at least ten things that you are grateful for. Recognize, write and give thanks for all the monies that you have. Give thanks for that person that took you out to lunch. Give thanks for Spirit, God or Universe for the money that you found on the street. Give thanks for that person that smiled at you on the bus. This simple exercise takes only ten or fifteen minutes to do. Give yourself permission to try this and see what opens and flows into your life. If you forget to write in your journal for a couple of days or week, take notice how the flow may have slowed up or stopped. Pick-up the pen and start writing again in your journal and develop a habit.


As you develop this new fun habit you can begin creating new sources of income to appear. TRUST ME THIS WORKS. I found $640 in cash on the street last year! You can create what you want to appear in the future, but always write in the present tense. Remember NOT to create boundaries and remember NOT to define the outcome.

Here are examples of phrases you can write in your journal even BEFORE they appear:

I give thanks for all the unlimited income that flows in my life.
I give thanks for my new job that is financially rewarding and is a short drive from home.
I give thanks for all the monies I have.
I give thanks for the overflowing financial abundance in my life.
I am grateful to receive abundance and all the good in my life.
I am grateful for my all paid vacation to Hawaii.
I give thanks for the opportunity to be open to receive all the good in my life.
I am grateful for my health.
I am grateful for my wonderful body that functions healthy and perfectly.
I am healthy whole and complete
I am grateful for right and perfect health.
I am grateful for all the relationships in my life.

Creating more income or abundance in our life is easy. Let go of boundaries and limiting thoughts and allow all the good to flow into your life. Soon you will be telling others how to create money out of thin air. Namaste.

Copyright © 2005 Wayne McDonald. All rights reserved.

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