Monday, May 5, 2008

bright ideas for staying alert and active in the afternoon.

Jump the slump with these bright ideas for staying alert and active in the afternoon:

Avoid a huge carbohydrate lunch, such as a big bowl of pasta or rice. Instead have protein and vegetables. In winter this could be a chicken or bean vegetable soup, and in summer, a salad with chicken, beans or fish. It's the protein that makes you feel full.

Reduce the size of your meals so the digestive system does not become overburdened and drain you of energy.

Try to eat lighter foods or smaller portions more often (having something approx. every 4 hours).

After eating lunch, go for a short walk. Even five minutes will help the digestion process. If you are in an office, leave your desk hourly to assist circulation to the brain and limbs... walk the long way to the loo or kitchen, visit a colleague rather than sending an email/phoning.

Mid-morning or afternoon snack on high protein healthy choices such as nuts and seeds. Almonds, brazil nuts, pecans, walnuts, sunflower, sesame, and pepitas are all good choices, as is a boiled egg, a small tin of tuna, natural yogurt with apple and pear, or a protein drink.

Avoid eating sugary snacks or caffeinated drinks mid-morning or as a rescue effort in the afternoon. These will only worsen the slump.

At the first sign of fatigue, drink a huge glass of filtered water. We often mistake signals from thirst receptors as hunger. Make sure you are drinking water throughout the day - in Winter try warm water with slices of ginger or lemon - herbal teas are good too.

Slumps may be due to mild food intolerances. If you suspect this to be the case, try writing a food diary for a week to observe any patterns in your energy which directly relate to your diet and discuss with a nutritionist.

Take the time to chew your food properly to assist digestion. Chewing brings about greater awareness, relaxation and faster satiety. Avoid eating lunch at your desk, in front of the TV as the digestive system works better when you are relaxed.

If you take a multivitamin or vitamin B complex, take it with lunch so you feel the benefits in the afternoon.

Put sleep first. Nothing will stop an afternoon slump if you are not sleeping properly or not getting a full eight hour quota per night.

Exercise improves energy levels out of sight. To get started, make appointments with yourself for three or more 30-minute sessions a week – it could be running, swimming, yoga, walking, or a combination of all four.

First published 14/4/08.

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