Friday, February 13, 2009

The Age of Aquarius ... the beginning?

“When the moon is in the seventh house
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…”

So goes the song in the musical “Hair”.
Tomorrow (14 Feb 09), the Moon is in the 'seventh house' and Jupiter aligns with Mars!

Just a bit of hippie, new age nonsense? Or should it be taken seriously as a visionary prophecy? Let’s take a look at the significance of astrology in events of spiritual importance.

Western astrological thought indicates that we have just gone out of the Piscean Age and entered the Aquarian Age. Each Cosmic Age lasts about 2,000 years and has its own atmosphere and world view due to the influence of the prevailing zodiac sign on all of the planets during their transit, as well as their configurations and the relationships between them.

Dan Costian (PhD), author of “Bible Enlightened”, relates how in each Cosmic Age a new avatar or incarnation of the Divine took birth on the earth in human form in order to reveal another aspect of spirituality to human beings. In the Age of Gemini (c6000 – c4000BC) this divine incarnation was Rama, in the Age of Taurus (c4000 – c2000BC) it was Krishna, and in the Age of Aries (c2000 – 1BC) it was Abraham, Moses, Zarathustra, Confucius, Lao-Tse and Socrates. In essence, the planets ‘set the scene’ by providing the atmosphere or mood of the time to harmonise with and to reflect the message of the incarnation of the divine of that Age.

The Age of Pisces extended from about 1AD to about the year 2000. The avatar or incarnation of the divine in this Age was Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The early Christians used the symbol of the fish, the sign of Pisces, in order to recognise each other. The birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem had been foretold by the prophets and was heralded by a star in the East, which guided the Three Wise Men to the baby in the stable.

So what can we expect the Age of Aquarius to be like? Eccentricity, originality, independent thought, love of innovation and contempt for tradition are all strong traits of Aquarius so we can expect that there will be a shake up of the old order and a questioning of all ideas about society, religion and relationships. This will lead to a search for new ways of being. Under the influence of Aquarius people will not accept what others tell them and like to learn through their own experimentation and experience.

Aquarius encourages the progress of humanitarian and social causes so the Aquarian Age is one where pure love and altruism prevail. People work selflessly for the good of the whole, without exploiting or manipulating others.

Unity and integration are themes of the Aquarian Age. We can look forward to a truly multicultural world where individual differences are valued and respected while at the same time we are able to work co-operatively for the good of everyone. The sign opposite Aquarius is Leo which has an ennobling and enriching influence

Originality and innovation are qualities of Aquarius so we can expect inventiveness and creativity in all spheres of life.

The truth is another important aspect of Aquarius. All falseness and corruption should disappear. The appearance or exterior will be less important while the essence will be of utmost importance.

We can look forward to an end to ‘blind faith’ in religion and to a time when the mystical knowledge that has been hidden and kept secret will be revealed.

And on 16 September 1983 in the USA Shri Mataji said:
“Now very interesting it is to see that this Kundalini is the one which is called as the Kumbha – in Sanskrit language, means the Aquarius. We call it Aquarius, as one of the signs, and is the same as Kumbha in Sanskrit language. So it is the Age of Aquarius, is the Age of the Kundalini. Secondly is the Age of the Kundalini which will nourish, which is the Mother within you, which will rise, will give you the completeness of it, and which will connect you with your Spirit which ultimately gives you the enlightenment by which you become collectively conscious.”

Returning to the song ‘Age of Aquarius’
“Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation

It would seem that these lyrics written by James Rado and Gerome Ragni in 1967 for ‘Hair’ were in fact prophetic and have proved to be good predictors of what was, and is still, to come.

Resource: originally posted by Kay Alford from Lyneham (Canberra) on 14/05/2008 at

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