Friday, August 28, 2009

Depression Checklist

beyondblue is an Australian "national depression initiative" and this week I received in the mail a quick checklist to identify signs of depression.

Apparently over 1 million people in Australia live with depression, so the chances are we all know someone who is affected. Certainly I have several friends that have suffered varying levels of depression - lasting weeks through to 2 years.

So, if you want to check yourself, here goes:

For more than TWO weeks have you:
1. Felt sad, down or miserable most of the time?
2. Lost interest or pleasure in most of your usual activites?

If you answered 'Yes' to either of the above questions, go on to the next section (if you did NOT answer 'Yes' it is unlikely you have a depressive illness).

3. have you gained or lost weight or had a decrease or increase in appetite?
4. have you had sleep disturbance?
5. have you felt slowed down, restless or excessively busy?
6. have you felt tired or had no energy?
7. Have your felt worthless, or excessively guilty, or felt guilt about things you should not have been feeling guilty about?
8. Have you had poor concentration, or difficulties thinking, or been very indecisive?
9. Have you had recurrent thoughts of death?

Add up the number of ticks for your total score (assuming you answered 'yes' to Q 1 and/or Q2).

If you score is 4 or less it is unlikely you have a depressive illness;
If you score 5 or more you are likely to have a depressive illness and further assessment is recommended - talk to your GP, Psychologist, Counsellor other health professional or visit or, in Australia, call 1300 22 4636.

With the right treatment, most people recover.

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