Saturday, August 8, 2009

Truly Complementary

Ever wondered which is best for you, massage or chiropractic adjustments?
Well I'd recommend regular massage AND chiropractic is required for optimal well-being.

Whilst the body is a complex being, at the most basic level, massage works on muscles and chiropractic on the skeleton. However all muscles attach to bone, either directly or via tendons; bones support muscles and keep you upright, muscles move bones and keep you moving.

So if one area has an issue, it's more than likely its corresponding partner will also, eg. T12 (thoracic vertebrae 12) is linked to the QL (Quadratus Lumborum muscle) and tight calves/hamstrings can reduce the range of motion in the pelvis leading to lower back tension.

So when booking your next session, consider having a massage first: this will loosen up the muscles, allowing for an "easier" adjustment that will hold for longer as the muscles won't be working against the corrected joint/s.

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